Olivia Young
2 min readJan 12, 2022


I will be 30 in another 2 years? WHAT!

Have you well prepared to welcome yourself to turn 30?


I noticed turning 28 in year 2022 and soonest WILL BE 30.

Last year, the whole world was struggling with pandemic and me myself had gone through quite some good things that I really appreciated things ; bad things that test my resilience. C’est la vie!

Compare to 20 years old, now I’m 28, I actually do notice a difference. I am different. More clear-headed, more determined and more focused on goals. Happier. (Metabolism rate don’t count, haha, I feel fat, not as thin as I used to be and sad fact accepted)

Have my own goal, better career in new year 2022, small side hustle, and always aim to save more for my earlier retirement plan.

Beside that, I do not allow others to cause my day or my plans to go sideways. My time for work out each day takes priority. Unless I’m sick, else no excuses for skipping!When my young adult friend or older friends invite me out for dinner at 7:30 pm? That’s easy — no way. It’s too late and I’ll be too tired to enjoy it. (Drinking wine in moderation is perfertly fine for me, spirit is too strong for my liver) Health is very real important, therefore, I never feel compelled to explain why I reject their invitation. (That’s why my friends always say I’m a lone wolf)

Also, I’m getting picky on who I spend time with, who is the director of the movie and etc. I don’t waste time on stupid tv programs or meaningless conversations. I’d much rather read my books from good authors, cook a wholesome meal (I’m trying to cook better), exercise, write, call my mother, have a coffee with friends.

Now, I protect my sleep fiercely now. I do not accept situations that would force me to sacrifice needed sleep. Solid, sufficient sleep keeps me stronger of mind. I want to keep both of my health and spirit good. ( Hope to see a better me in another 10 years and over and over)

In my 28, I now know what I did not know in my 18. This, my story.

Live a life that you would remember — Avicii

30 and 40 or even 50, I’m well prepared for you! Let’s fight!

